Valeria Golino-搜索结果

  • 爱情故事 Storia d'amore

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:弗朗西斯科·马塞利   编剧:弗朗西斯科·马塞利, Fiore De Rienzo

    主演:Valeria Golino

  • 可能的生活 La vita possibile


    导演:伊万诺·德·马泰奥   编剧:Valentina Ferlan

    主演:瓦莱莉·高利诺 Valeria Golino, 玛格丽塔·布伊, 布鲁诺·托德契尼, Andrea Pittorino

      In fuga da un marito violento, Anna e il figlio Valerio sono accolti a Torino in casa di Carla, attrice di teatro e amica di Anna di vecchia data. I due cercano di adattarsi alla nuova vita tra tante difficoltà e incomprensioni, ma l'aiuto di Carla e quello inaspettato di Mathieu, un ristoratore francese che vive nel quartiere, gli faranno trovare la forza per ricominciare.

  • 戴金丝边眼镜的人 Gli occhiali d'oro


    导演:Giuliano Montaldo   编剧:Nicola Badalucco, 乔治·巴萨尼

    主演:Philippe Noiret, Rupert Everett, Valeria Golino

      This movie, based on a novel by Giorgio Bassani, plays in the high-day of Mussolini's Fascist Italy. Eraldo is a golden boy, a stunningly beautiful college student and boxer, popular and spoiled rotten by his mother. To keep living beyond his means he 'gratiously accepts' the generous, rarely returned favors of Dr. Fadigati, an elder, gay gentleman who tries to live his life mo...

  • 青春期的法国男孩 Les beaux gosses


    导演:利雅得·萨杜夫   编剧:利雅得·萨杜夫, Marc Syrigas

    主演:Valeria Golino, Irène Jacob, Emmanuelle Devos

      14-year-old Hervé is an average teenager who lives with his mother and struggles to cope with his libido impulses, unprepossessing physique and mediocre intellect. His major preoccupation is dating a girl. Unfortunately, in this area, girls keep turning him down. But he hasn’t given up hope yet. One day, without really understanding how, it seems that Aurore, one of the prettie...